Ed Ruscha Captures the City

To me, postmodernism is about fragmentation and pluralism; it is about each person and place speaking for its self, contributing to a cacophony of voices.  I think Ed Ruscha would agree:

“Those patterns and their abstract design quality mean nothing to me. I'll tell you what is more interesting: the oil droppings on the ground." -  Ed Ruscha (Artpractical.com)

Thirtyfour Parking Lots by Ed Ruscha 1967
"Every Building anticipates not only the transition from Pop to Conceptual art at the end of the decade but also the birth of postmodern urbanism, a hybrid field combining art and architecture" - Ed Ruscha's Los Angeles, by Alexandra Schwartz (ArtInfo.com)

Every Building on the Sunset Strip by Ed Ruscha 1966
If Ruscha is still ahead of his time, this is what comes after post-modernism.  
Psycho Spaghetti Western #7 by Ed Ruscha 2010
